You Need To Breathe
“Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent.” To me, music is one of life's greatest art forms. Music can carry so much power. It has the power to unite people, it has the power to build people up, it also has the power to motivate people. The right kind of music can also have the opposite effect on people. Music is one of life's true beauties. When people listen to music they shouldn't just hear it. Instead, they should really listen to it. This has become one of my favorite things to do, listing to music and trying to interpret what the artist is trying to say. Many artists say some truly great things. It has been said that music is the highest form of worship, and the angels in heaven just sing forever. “In the Mass, music that blends both spiritual and artistic excellence is liturgical – it is sacred. Such music has the ability to cultivate, strengthen, and deepen the spiritual experience of...