
Showing posts from February, 2017


Best for last! I don't really have words for this song. Testify is my favorite song of all time. Every time I listen to it, it gives me a sense of peace that I can't explain. The only thing I can relate it to is when I went to Assisi. It’s so peaceful that you don't want it to end. You just want to get lost inside. I've liked this song since I first heard it, but at first, I just thought it was about a man loving his wife as much as he could. But in thinking that, there was a line that didn't make any sense to me: “I will give myself to you as soon as you start to let go.” This didn't make any sense to me because it seems to be contradictory to love. Loving means giving your all to the person being loved and not asking for anything back. Love is a total self-gift. Love is willing the Good of someone. But this line didn’t seem to say that at all. I thought for weeks trying to finger out how this could work, or want it meant. Then one day, I was in the chapel pr...


“This song ain't nothing if this song can't set you free.” This line is from a song called, “Happiness.” This might be the most inspiring song on the album. There are two versions of this song one is acoustic, and it is worth your time. This song is clearly about pursuing happiness to the fullest, and not stopping until you do.      “I got a homesick heart, but long ways left to go. I've been doing my part, but I ain't got much to show. So, I'm asking you to show me some forgiveness. It's all for you in my pursuit of happiness.” Like all of their songs, this can be applied to love for people, I think that because I think NeedToBreathe understands what love really is and that it relates to love of Christ and our faith life as well . “I got a homesick heart but long ways left to go.” I have always thought that if the goal is heaven then I just want to get there. Our true home is heaven, and our souls long to be there in unity with Christ. Whether...

Stronger after Broken

“But hearts are stronger after broken.” These are lyrics from a NeedToBreathe song called “Slumber.” I thought of them after a friend and I were talking about our similar situations with relationships. We both had experienced relationships where everything seemed perfect. The other person made us feel like we could do anything when we were with them. They gave us confidence, passion, desire. They made us want to be the best people we could be. It seemed perfect! It didn't work out for either of us for different reasons. If you have ever had a relationship like this, you know how it feels when things end. It doesn’t make sense and you cannot stop thinking about it because it was so “perfect”. My friend kept saying that “it happened for a reason” and “God put those people in and out of our lives for a purpose.” I’m not sure I agree that God wanted it to happen like that because we all have free will. So I had the free will to choose to act or not act. However, I do know that God...

No Excuses

“No Excuses” is probably the most beautiful song on the album. The way music goes with his voice and progresses is chilling, and almost breathtaking. Go listen to it! Then, do it 20 more times! The author of the song says he wrote it about himself. If you listen, a lot of his songs are like this. You could also look at this from God’s perspective. I'll add that in for each part. Let us see what we can find. “I've got this feeling in my bones that you find a solace in shadows. I don't want to find out you're going 'round my back. Why you want to bring me these sorrows?” If you can feel something in your bones, you can feel it deep down inside you. You can feel it at your core. This new part is interesting, “ That you find a solace in shadows.” I think this is saying that they will find comfort in a dark time. It could also be talking about finding comfort in hurting someone else. This is hard for me to understand, but there have been times when I have been ...

Money and fame

“Money and fame bring a man to shame, ain't doubt about it.” To me, this song is more straight forward. It is about not letting the goal of money and fame consume our lives. It is about how people often forget what really matters in life. This is something most of us worry about. I stress about money all the time, and I want glory. Sometimes I really struggle with doing things because of what people will think of me. That isn't always bad, but the glory needs to turn to God. God is the only reason I am who I am and you are who you are. Every good thing about you is because of him. Ultimately, most artists write about personal experience, but in that is something that we can all relate to. Let us look at this song. “I was sleeping with a loaded gun. I was scared of all things I'd done. Yeah, I know I'm not the only one. It's alright, it’s alright, it's alright, it's alright, now. I was chasing down a high again. Trying to take whatever I could get, b...


“It’s not enough to just feel the flame, you've got to burn your old self away”          The Hard love album is a completely different sound and style than the rest of NeedToBreathe’s music. Yet, just like the rest of their work, it is insightful, inspiring, and powerful. It speaks from the heart of the artists to the heart of the listener. Every song is fun yet speaks about love in a way everyone does, or should, think about.     The second song on this album is called Hard Love, which is where the album’s name comes from. To me, this song is about becoming the best version of you and accepting God’s love for you. When I first heard this song, I just thought it was a cool song. It took me a few listens to truly appreciate and understand what was going on. If you are looking for it, it is hard to miss.     “ Trading punches with the heart of darkness, going to blows with your fear incarnate. Never know it till i...