Seeing clearly.

So I Was Thinking...

About 3 months ago I had been noticing in class that I couldn't see the whiteboard as clearly anymore. So I finally made eye doctor appointment and got my eyes checked. Turns out I needed glasses. So I thought, cool now I see things a little better! Once I got them, however, I could see things a lot better! It is so amazing to see just how much I couldn't see before! Everything is clear and sharp. So I started wearing them a lot, in class when I was driving, at mass. After 2 weeks of wearing them I notice I was doing something in math class with them, I kept having to put them on. I couldn't figure out why I didn't have them on already. It was because I didn't want to see clearly in math class, I hate math, so taking off the classics allowed me to take a break. I didn't want to see the board, I didn't want to see what was in front of mine.

So maybe you are wondering what the heck this has to do with anything? "Duncan why are you so wired?" Well, I promise this make sense in my head.

When I first started to think about it I thought how much it relates to sin. Sometimes we( me especially) we don't want to see things clearly, so we don't. It's like once I realized that I'm trying to hide it from myself I go to confession. Confession is like my glasses, they help me see clearly. Once I get used to wearing glasses, I take them off because I don't want to see clearly. I tell myself that it's not that bad, and justify it telling myself it's okay. Because if it were bad I'd have to change, and work harder to fix it.

So I know this isn't very good But just go with it. I need to stop taking off my glasses( go to confession more often) I need to stop choosing to hide that fact that I sin, and just try and not to sin. 

Anyways... Go with God.


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