Never Stop
What is it "LOVE"? I'm still trying to figure out exactly
what and how to explain it. I'm not sure it is a "something." Is it
more than a feeling, or emotion? Is it necessary? I'm sure you've heard this
"God is Love." I believe that's true, but what does that mean? How
can that be? Is that just something to make people feel good? We use the word
love for just about everything nowadays, and surely we don't Love chick fill a the
same way we love our friends, parents, siblings.
Let's start by looking at the word
love, in the English language we only have one word for "Love" why is
that? If Love is so important then why don't we have a better way of saying it?
Let's look at the different kinds of love one could have. The Greeks had six
different words for love:
1. Eros, or passion. This one is often
related to a sexual kind of passion. I personally don't think it has to be
related to sex because you can and should be passionate about other people,
friends, and family. But you can also be passionate about things, like sports,
cars, work. But you have to be careful with this type because you can become
too passionate, where it becomes an obsession, and sometimes things we are
obsessed with can control us. So "Eros" Is a passionate type of Love.
2. Philia, or deep friendship. This one is
self-explanatory. "Deep friendship" this one might be my favorite.
The Greeks said this one "was about showing loyalty to your friends,
sacrificing for them, as well as sharing your emotions with them." If you
don't have this kind of Love you need to find it. So, Philia is Deep friendship
type of love.
3. Ludus or playful love, this type of
love is like the kind of love children have for each other, but also could be
the type of love adults who just meet each other and are "flirting."
So it's like a joking around kind of Love. Ludus is a playful type of Love.
4. Agape, or love for everyone. This is
the most common, or should be. This is a selfless kind of love, gift of oneself
to others. Was a love that you extended to all people, whether family members
or distant strangers. Agape was later translated into Latin as Caritas, which
is the origin of our word “charity.” So, agape is the love we should show to
5. Pragma, or longstanding love. Greeks
use it mostly for married couples who had been married for a long time.
"Pragma was about making compromises help the relationship work over time
and showing patience and tolerance." So, is a longstanding love.
6. Philautia, or love of the self. This
one can be bad or good. It is good to love oneself. But that can be taken too
far where it becomes more of a worship of oneself. So, Philautia is the love of
Now we know the different kinds of love.
But still what is it? How can we love? Why does it Matter? What is Love? Love
is not "baby don't hurt me..." Love is more. Love is more than a
feeling, more than an emotion. I'm sure we can all come up with our own
definitions of love. But if you look up the actual definition you will find
"Willing the good of the beloved" That is pretty basic and isn't that
hard. What is best for those how you Love. But still is that all that love is? Wanting
what is best? That is the start, but Love also is giving all you can to
someone, (Which "all" is different based on the relationship) I can't
really find words to describe Love, but “God is Love."
How can we Love? Something I'm still
trying to figure out, loving someone means wanting what is best for them.
Loving someone is giving all you have to them (in the way you are called to).
"Inconveniencing yourself willingly for someone else."
Why does it matter? It matters because
Love is EVERYTHING. We are all searching, we are all longing, for Love. Not
just love, but Love real authentic Love. "Love; it will not betray you
Dismay or enslave you, it will set you free be more like the man you were made
to be." We are all looking for a Love that incorporates all the different
kinds of love. Love is the reason for everything. Without Love, we have nothing.
The only place you will find that perfect
Love is with God. God is Love. Real authentic Love. God is all of the Loves
combined. God gave us his son, Jesus. Jesus gave us his life. Jesus died for
you. He died for you personally. If you were the only one alive he would have
done it. God loves us so much, when he created us he knew we were going to sin,
God knows everything he is God! He knew we were going to hurt him, But out of
Love for us, for you, for me, he created us.
If you want to know how to Love look at
the cross. God gave us his only son to die for us, to be killed for us, just so
we could have a chance to be with him. Loving means giving all you can to the
one being loved, and then continuing to Love them even if you don't get that
same love back. God doesn't demand us to love him in return, that's not a
condition for him to love you, yeah he wants you to, and he desires you too.
But "one can only desire love" you can't demand it, love is a free
choice. The cool thing about Gods love for us is he shows us every day how much
he loves us. And we don't have to do anything to get, it's free!
Love can hurt. We hurt God every day, to
truly Love someone you have to love with all you got. The song by one republic
"I lived" one of the lines from that song is "I hope that you
fall in love and it hurts so bad" if you truly give all you have then chances
are you are going to get heart broken, whether this with a
boyfriend/girlfriend, or just with a close friend. Maybe you haven't been hurt
by a friend before, that's awesome. But it's going to come, and if it hurts.
Good job, because you were giving the most you know how to give.
God deserves all you have, if you can give
that to him you won't be let down. He loves you way more than you can Love him.
Love your Friends and family like Christ Loves you.
Start Loving, and Never stop.
\Go With God
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