Set the world on fire

“Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire.”

Catherine of Siena was the 23rd child of Jacopo and Lapa Benincasa and grew up as an intelligent, cheerful, and intensely religious person. St. Catherine was truly who God was calling her to be despite what her parents wanted her to be. Her parents wanted her to get married, but she protested by cutting her hair so guys would not find her as attractive. 
Recently, I was talking to a good friend of mine. He told me that he was excited and happy with where he was right now because he realized something. He said, “I am finally really focusing on who God wants me to be, and not who I or who others want me to be.” 
I had been thinking about this since last semester because something that I have always done was compare myself to others. I used to pray that God would give me a certain person’s faith or that he would help me become more like them. This is really a bad thing, especially when it comes to saints and holy people you look up to as examples, but God does not want you to be like someone else (other than His Son). God wants us all to be who we are. We are all called to be the best version of ourselves, just like Catherine of Siena said, “Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire.” She did not say be who God meant someone else to be. Be who God you meant to be! And Set the word on fire! 

"I've come to set the earth on fire, and how I wish it were already ablaze!” 
- Luke 12:19. 

“And how I wish it was already ablaze.” Jesus came to set the world on fire! He wants to do that using us. The world needs you! The world needs you to be you! The world does not need more people like other people. The world needs more people to be like themselves. The world needs Duncan to be the best Duncan he can be.  The world needs you to be the best you that you can be. Be who you are called to be. Be authentic. Be bold in your faith. Be you no matter what. Once I realized that I need to just be me. My prayers changed. I started to pray that God would take over and help me to just be me. I now pray that God will make me truly authentic, selfless, and most importantly, I try to trust God with everything. Once I started doing that, I slowly started to see myself care less and less about what others think, because it does not matter what they think, it matters God thinks. If you have authentically gone to God in prayer and asked for him to convert your heart to be what it is meant to be, then you have to trust that he will.  
If you want to set the world on fire, then start praying that you can become who God is calling you to be. Start acting on your prayer. God will lead you to the right actions if you ask him. Go to the sacraments as much as you can, TRUST in God, and do not forget to be you. You are here for a reason! Be you, and no one else, and you will set the world on fire!

Just my thoughts.
Go with God,



  1. Very well said. You are not a pretty cool person! I am glad you are you!


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